Your Hometown Services Provider

Wyandotte Connex TV Studio

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Television Studio

The mission of Wyandotte ConneX TV Studio is to produce and deliver television programs containing relevant information and interesting subjects to city residents.  Channel 15 and HD channel 215, our Public Access Channel, and Channel 16 and HD channel 216, the City Government Channel, are managed by Wyandotte ConneX Studio staff and much of the programming is created with the assistance of our dedicated volunteers. We also offer free training for Wyandotte residents so that they can create their own television programs and/or participate in the coverage of city meetings and other events.

Wyandotte ConneX TV Studio
The Wyandotte ConneX Studio is available for Wyandotte residents to produce Public Access programs that will air on Channel 15 and HD Channel 215. We offer free training in television production and with the successful completion of this training; residents are eligible to produce their own programs and to work as crew members on shows produced by others. These volunteers can also work with Wyandotte ConneX Staff as crew members on our productions of parades, high school sports and many other local events.


Workshop Form
Please use Internet Explorer to fill out form, save it to your computer, then attach it to your email and send it to To schedule Studio time, fill out the scheduling request form : Scheduling request Form

Volunteer OpportunitiesGraphic-Volunteers
Our dedicated volunteers make Wyandotte ConneX Community Programming possible and perform a valuable public service by working on the production of city meetings and other local events. Any resident of Wyandotte can take our free video workshop and become a certified volunteer. After the completion of this brief and fun training, volunteers can produce their own Public Access Programs in our studio that will air on Wyandotte Connex Channel 15 and HD Channel 215. Volunteers can also work with ConneX Staff on productions of various city events using our mobile production truck. For more information on volunteering call 734.324.7136.

Public AccessPic-CableSwitcher
Our Public Access channel exists to cablecast the programming efforts of people in the community and our production studio is there to support such efforts. Any Wyandotte resident who has successfully completed our free studio training is eligible to produce television programming for and about the people and organizations in our community.

Government Channel
The City Government Channel exists to cablecast live and pre-recorded Wyandotte city meetings and for displaying information of interest and importance to city residents. This channel is managed for the city by Wyandotte ConneX staff and it is there for the benefit of the citizens of Wyandotte.  Often, the actual production of city meetings is performed by our dedicated volunteers.

Studio GuidelinesGraphic-Guidelines
The only significant limitation to what can be produced in our studio and what can appear on our Public Access channel is that it be not-for-profit and non-commercial in nature.

Joel Adkins, Studio Programming Director
3200 Biddle Ave, 3rd Floor
Office Phone 734.324.7138

Location: Wyandotte Connex TV Studio
3200 Biddle Ave, 3rd Floor
Wyandotte, MI 48192

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