Your Hometown Services Provider

Meter Reading

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Meter Reading

Estimated vs. Actual Readings
If a meter reader is prevented from reading your meter, an estimate of utility consumption will be made in preparing your bill. Among the reasons for estimating your meter read and, in turn, your bill are:

  • Debris preventing access
  • Inclement weather
  • Locked gates or entrances
  • Aggressive and unrestrained dogs
When unable to obtain an "actual" meter reading WMS makes the closest estimate possible of utility consumption based on your history of utility usage.  Once an actual meter reading can be taken, an adjustment to the actual will be made on the next billing cycle.

WMS Meter Readers
Sometimes, when a meter is located inside a home or business, our meter reader must gain access to read the meter. For your safety and security in such cases, please be aware that our meter readers are provided with an easily identifiable uniform and photo identification card.

If a WMS Meter Reader has to enter your home or business please ask to see his or her pictured WMS identification card. If you have a meter that is difficult to access, please contact us at 734.324.7190. We'll be happy to work with you to resolve any difficulties in reading your meter.

Meter Reader Safety
At WMS, we consider the safety of our customers and employees, including meter readers, as our number one goal. We work hard to eliminate hazards in our WMS work environment. The work environment for a WMS meter reader includes the areas in and around your home or business.

In order to promote safe access to our customers' utility meters, we recommend the following basic safety precautions and measures:
  • Insure that the area around your meter is clean and free of debris and obstacles. Also, keep the meter dial glass clean and free of dust and/or dirt. These measures will greatly reduce the risk of tripping injuries on your property and will promote safe, efficient and accurate meter reads.
  • Remove brush, plants or shrubs that may present a hazard for our meter reader. Overgrown plant material can cause scrapes, cuts, or be a tripping hazard for our meter readers. Help keep our meter readers be safe on the job serving you. If you landscape with shrubs or bushes around your meter, make sure they allow safe, efficient access for our meter reader.
  • Hazards from snow, ice or other slippery surfaces present one of the greatest threats to meter reader safety. Please insure that snow and ice are removed from the access ways to your meter. Our meter readers are instructed not to place themselves in harm's way. If a slipping hazard exists at a meter location, we may choose to estimate that read, rather than risk injury to the meter reader.
  • Often pets, particularly dogs, are very protective of their home and family. Please make sure your dog is secured or restrained, so we can efficiently obtain an accurate meter reading for you.
  • Please contact us at 734.324.7190 to discuss any measures you might take, or questions you might have about eliminating hazards and promoting safe access to your utility meter.
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