Your Hometown Services Provider

Energy Smart Program

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Energy Smart Program

Wyandotte Municipal Services is fortunate to be able to offer many energy saving programs that help our residents and business owners lower their energy costs, make their homes and buildings more comfortable, and contribute to the saving of our local environment.

Energy Optimization Programs
Michigan state law, Public Act 295 , also known as the “Clean, Renewable and Efficient Energy Act”, aims to help residents reduce their energy needs. The law requires Wyandotte Municipal Services (WMS) to assist their customers in gaining greater electric energy efficiency through the establishment of Energy Optimization programs.

  • Energy Smart Program - Participating utility members of the Michigan Public Power Agency are providing energy-saving programs for their residential and business customers. Some of the programs offered are:
  • Education – Various community outreach and school education programs on energy efficiency, electric safety and other are done throughout the year.
  • Pilot – Many different energy efficiency options are explored for the pilot program and a different project is selected annually.  Taking renewable energy credit for Geothermal has been one such project.
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